
Internet Scanner - Inception - 13/03/2024

Sending beams of lights to the internet

Ipv4 Space

Verum ipsum factum - We only know what we make.

- Giambattista Vico, Italian philosopher 

Present day

Learning my way into the CPTS curriculum from Hack The Box Academy made me realize how important the enumeration part is, which by definition is Collecting as much information as possible. The more information we have, the easier it will be for us to find vectors of attack., so basically the more we information we have the more easier will be to understand the current state of any given server.

Today you can rely on several vendors that enumerate a portion of the services available on the internet ie. Shodan, Zoomeye and Greynoise, you rely on what and how they capture/grab the information behind the scenes (They scan ports/services on every IP address available), so it’s all nice and easy but reading about JA4 fingerprinting and Hunting Certificates and Servers it hit in my head about how difficult would it be to create a internet scale enumeration service?.

(ChatGPT dreaming about the 4.3 billion unique ipv4 addresses). Ipv4 Space

If i really want to understand how those enumeration services work, how the interact with the different protocols and how to store those large datasets and how to protect from the enumeration techniques, then i have to create it.

Project Inception

What is the smallest version of this I can produce 
to get useful feedback from others?.

- Building a Second Brain / Tiago forte 

Instead of trying to define all portions of the project at the beginning, i will focus on just creating the smallest version to get feedback from.

Using C4 to model the first alpha version with the following pieces:

System Context Diagram

Internet Scanner System Context

Container Diagram

Internet Scanner Container

Component Diagram

Internet Scanner Component

This represent the barebones initial version, later i’ll update the model when it’s needed to expand each of the containers/components and anything in the middle (messaging, cache, worker node provisioning and the full Web app definition).

Will it be hard? for sure but as Mike Tyson says

I’m a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars
